Oneness is the fundamental reality underlying all existence, and it is perhaps the most challenging notion confronting human awareness. The world religions and spiritual traditions have taught this in different ways. I believe all is already one, but we don't realize it. Oneness cannot be "seen" by the ordinary mind. This website takes you beyond your usual self to a deeper YOU that rises to integrate what you thought impossible.
Nothing in everyday experience suggests that the contents of an egg could hatch and take form to eventually fly. It is from experience that we know this to be true. So also, nothing in daily experience gives evidence that the makeup of an ordinary man or woman has something that is a common element with all that exists. A certain process, perhaps sometimes drastic, must ensue for this realization to take place. Only personal experience can prove it to be true.
Leaving doctrine and dogma aside, these readings bring out the insights and experiences found in the world's great spiritual traditions. The process is to go beyond the understanding of the dualistic mind of subject and object. Thought's source is pure consciousness or feeling awareness. Your own living spirit unites your intellect, will, and heart into one whole grounding you in the oneness of all things.
The journey from the 'Many to the One' is exhilarating, a freeing experience from the bands that you didn't know were imprisoning you. Only its immediate experience and the intimacy it brings can satisfy you.