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Tom Stanks, a Doctor of Theology, garners a treasury of insights from the world’s literature. He begins with play with his father and continues to sift selections as he travels his spiritual journey. Throughout he regularly comments on the quote or group of quotes.
In one chapter you find Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s comment when our country was in deep depression: “Without the help of thousands of others, anyone of us would die naked and starved.” In another chapter, you hear the Sufi Master, Kabir, “Behold but One in all things; it is the second that leads you astray.” In yet another chapter, you smile with Abraham Lincoln’s lighter side, “No matter how much cats fight, there always seem to be plenty of kittens.” The one indispensable fact that doesn't have to be proven is that I AM. The Perennial Philosophy states there is one imminent and transcendent Ground of all being. Accordingly, "I am That, you are That, all this That. As much as we know about That, He/She/It/That still remains a great Mystery. And the second great Mystery is uncovering how we are One with THAT! Jesus simply states his divinity, “Before Abraham ever existed, I AM.” He shares his Being with his followers: “You in me and I in you.” Having God within one’s self gives greater intimacy with God than seeing Him. That power inheres in the soul because God shares His Life with us. God’s own becomes my own. Because God now lives there, the glory of I AM begins with my birth. In the last chapter, we hear what the author thinks Jesus would say to us today.
MY STORY: Ramblings on a Spiritual Journey explores what captivates the author and reader, demonstrating the greatness of the "I." It recounts a journey in and out of formal religion, sharing personal experiences and those of meditation masters. The narrative climaxes in revealing some higher consciousness experiences particularly the immediate awareness of oneness. Knowing that loving can be risky, the author faces his own challenge and offers it to the reader: "Do I trust love enough to carry me the distance?"
OCEAN IN A DROP is a journey to self-realization. It guides the reader to expansion of consciousness through meditation. While using many authors to help on the way, it relies on one's own direct, immediate experience for the answer to, 'Who Am I?' |
Your natural makeup shapes your spiritual life. HONORING GOD WITHIN thrusts you into your roots and innate spiritual power. With your mind as servant to your larger self you awaken and flow into the Divine. Is your intellect sturdy enough to survive living in the heart? |
FINDING ONENESS The Power of Loving Awareness This book takes snapshots of mystical traditions, eastern and western, ancient and modern, showing that "All mystics come from the same country and speak the same language" when love dominates. This book is a labor of love about LOVE, The Heart of Christanity.
Take a glimpse of the life and prayer of the monks at Mount Athos attempting to live as authentic Christians in the purist sense. The exploration of the gospel and epistles of John, the Beloved Apostle, helps to uncover the true essence, or heart of the Christian life. In medieval times, Meister Eckhart offers further depth and understanding of the concept of love in the Christians life. Read on and journey to current times and discover The Heart of Christianity!
An enchanting story of the heart shatters our disbelief as a tree, a deer and a boy come alive with feelings and fears. They find a road map for their own quest as they lovingly share experiences of trials and growth. Life's goal becomes clearer when they realize that they are a superseed expanding beyond comprehension. The wonder of themselves transports them. Having so much to be thankful for, especially the presence of goodness in their midst, they expand to reach out and embrace all.